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Announcement: “Hellenes of America” – Our National Chapter

This project is a tribute to the Greeks who live and excel in America but still have their hearts in Greece and are the best ambassadors of Greek culture in American society.

They are the Greeks who left in difficult conditions from Greece, packed in ships in the past, with a few dollars in their pockets, but “conquered” the New World and with their “checks” supported their families and Greece in the 50’s , ’60s, ’70s.

The Greeks who created another “Great Greece” in the American continent and through their churches and schools, kept their heart in Greece and their “distant” dream of returning.

They are the Greeks who have won the highest positions in politics, culture and economy. The ones who defended and continue defending  the Greek rights by invading rallies and gatherings for our Cyprus, Macedonia, the squares of New York, Montreal, Toronto, etc. Where does one start…

Even today, our Motherland, which is going through such difficult times, gets a “breath of life” from this Hellenism that has set up a “stronghold” of Hellenism and Orthodoxy.

This project will be sent free of charge to the libraries of Washington, New York, Athens, Nicosia as well as selected libraries of Greece and the Homogeneity.

Its content will be a tribute to the old and a lesson for the young people about how Hellenism has not simply survived through occupations and civil wars, but also conquered the modern world with its spirit.

The beginning of recording the unwritten history of Hellenism in the USA

The Foundation of Ecumenical Hellenism, in the framework of the 10-year plan of the unwritten history of Hellenes Abroad, which began in September 2015, announces the opening of operations in the United States of America.

More specifically, a specialized group of collaborators of the Foundation of Ecumenical Hellenism will be working in the wider area of ​​New York from June 15th 2017 with the aim of recording the unwritten history of Hellenism that lives and grows in the USA. This group consists of:

• Hatzopoulos Athanasios, team leader and ccoordinator
• Anastasiou Krystallenia, journalist – researcher
• Topouza Zelika, journalist – researcher

In the framework of this project, they will be meeting with selected and important personalities of Hellenism in the region and recording their personal history and their journey to the present as well as that of their ancestors, as well as representing the Foundation of Ecumenical Hellenism in any way during their stay there.

For any information about the Foundation’s team in New York you can call the following phone numbers:
• 001-646-287 1460, Mrs. Anastasiou Krystallenia
• 001-646-322 1248, Mrs. Topouza Zelika
• 001-718-795 7808, Mr. Hatzopoulos Athanasios

Of course, our office phone line in Athens (0030) 210-8810109 is always at your disposal.

Note: The Supervisory Committee choosing the personalities, consists of:

• Agelopoulos Ath. – University Professor
• Vafiadis Nick. – Journalist
• Themelis Nick. – University Professor
• Karageorgoudis Emm. – University Professor
• Karathanassis Ath. – University Professor
• Kekridis Efst. – University Professor
• Koukousas Vas. – University Professor
• Liantas Gr. – Associate Professor of AETH
• Lois George. – Professor at the Open University of Patras
• Mikroyannakis Emm. – University Professor
• Prodromos – Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Great Lavra of Mount Athos
• Christodoulos – Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Koutloumousiou of Mount Athos
• Fraganis Mich. – Dr D, G. Director of IETH

